Under “Heart Saver” there are three offers for everyone who, in the first step, only
Resuscitation in adults – as part of first aid – based on one
Want to get to know the “Heart Saver Course” run by Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe. Make a distinction
These three offers are in the form of concrete help: resuscitation only with
Push, resuscitate with pressure and ventilation, resuscitate additionally with AED.
The simple formula applies to all three offers: “Check – call emergency – help”.
Under “Life Saver” there are offers for those interested, for everyone
Want to be well prepared for emergencies: This is what our first aid course (9 units) offers.
in which you can learn from practical experience important and valuable information for the first time
Help learn and practice.
In closed groups, the needs and requirements of each individual can be catered for very well
Interest groups are addressed.